Jupyter Notebooks in C, Fortran, and Python for the hands-on labs of the [MPI courses of the VSC Research Center, TU Wien](https://vsc.ac.at/training/courses/MPI).
The Jupyter Notebooks were written and tested on the VSC clusters, but apart from the job submission sections (that are specific for VSC-5 and the VSC Jupyterhub) they should work in other environments as well.
The Jupyter Notebooks were written and tested on the VSC clusters, but apart from the job submission sections (that are specific for VSC-5 and the VSC JupyterHub) they should work in other environments as well.
The [tasks/](tasks/) folder contains all tasks with descriptions, skeleton files, and solutions for all exercises. Normally this folder is not needed, but serves as an alternative way of doing the very same exercises if no JupyterHub is available.
## Authors and acknowledgment
The Jupyter Notebooks are written by [Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)](mailto:training@vsc.ac.at).
The material in this repository is based on the [MPI course developed by Rolf Rabenseifner, HLRS](https://www.hlrs.de/training/self-study-materials/mpi-course-material) that is under a quite restrictive copyright by Rolf Rabenseifner and HLRS. The copyrighted material (some images, some exercise descriptions, some code snippets) is used with permission. Some partstaken from the HLRS material are modified and the Jupyter Notebooks are extended with own material of the Notebook authors.
The material in this repository is based on the [MPI course developed by Rolf Rabenseifner, HLRS](https://www.hlrs.de/training/self-study-materials/mpi-course-material) that is under a quite restrictive copyright by Rolf Rabenseifner and HLRS. The copyrighted material (some images, some exercise descriptions, some code snippets) is used with permission. Some partstaken from the HLRS material are modified and the Jupyter Notebooks are extended with own material of the Notebook authors.
We have just started with this repository, it will be continually expanded and updated, usually before and after the [MPI courses of the VSC Research Center, TU Wien](https://vsc.ac.at/training/courses/MPI), that run at least twice a year.
This repository will be continually expanded and updated, usually before and after the [MPI courses of the VSC Research Center, TU Wien](https://vsc.ac.at/training/courses/MPI) that run at least twice a year.
## Contributing and error reporting
Please contact [training@vsc.ac.at](mailto:training@vsc.ac.at) if you would like to contribute or found any issues.