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Valentin Hanser's avatar
Hanser, Valentin authored



ngsolve link

Getting started with the Netgen/NGSolve extension

  1. download the files

     git clone https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/valentin.hanser/ngmultiscale.git
  2. login with personal token

     cd ngmultiscale
     git config --local credential.helper store
  3. open directory in terminal

  4. run


  5. if only some parts are needed edit the options in ./C++/cmake/CMakeList

  6. run an example

    python3 ./python/pythonExamples/MS_linear3d/exp_A_linear_3d.py

Using the Preisach models as libary for C++

  1. download the files
  2. add "../C++/preiasch" to PATH variable
  3. write a minimal C++ program #include "preisachScalar/preisach.h" #include int main(){ ev = return 0; }