In this project the custom devices for the labscript-suite in the group of Julian Léonard at TU Wien are saved.
For using the devices in labscript, clone the repository in the location of the user_devices
or a subfolder thereof.
This is a location that you can put custom labscript device drivers, following
the same layout as device drivers in the labscript_devices module. To import them,
import from user_devices
instead of labscript_devices
In this way, you can work on device support separately from the main labscript devices package. However, if you write support for a generally available device, please do contribute it back and we will include it in the main labscript_devices module.
If you prefer to store custom device code elsewhere, you may modify the user_devices
configuration setting in labconfig to be an import path (ie 'module.submodule' format,
not a filepath) to another Python package.