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Initial files for labscript and ADwinProII

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from labscript import *
# Import classes needed for the devices which will be used
from labscript_devices.PrawnBlaster.labscript_devices import PrawnBlaster
from labscript_devices.NI_DAQmx.models.NI_USB_6363 import NI_USB_6363
from user_devices.ADwinProII.labscript_devices import *
# Create ADwin-Pro II as Pseudoclock
#ADwin_DO_Card("DOI32_1", adwin.clockline, 99)
# Create a PrawnBlaster, saved to the variable 'prawn',
# It will be used as the single pseudoclock that triggers other devices
#PrawnBlaster(name='prawn', com_port='COM6', num_pseudoclocks=1)
# Create a NI USB-6363 multifunction I/O device, clocked by the PrawnBlaster
#NI_USB_6363(name='daq', MAX_name='Dev1',
# parent_device=prawn.clocklines[0], clock_terminal='/Dev1/PFI0',
# acquisition_rate=100e3)
# Add analog output channels to the USB-6363
#AnalogOut('ao0', daq, 'ao0')
#AnalogOut('ao1', daq, 'ao1')
# The following is standard boilerplate necessary for the file to compile
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Put your own Python modules and packages here, they will be made available for import system-wide.
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# #
# ADwinProII/ADwin_utils.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
# #
# ADwinProII/__init__.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
# Some parts of the code were adapted from an older implementation #
# in the labscript-suite: #
# https://github.com/labscript-suite/labscript/blob/2.1.0/devices/adwin.py #
# #
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# #
# ADwinProII/blacs_tabs.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
from blacs.device_base_class import DeviceTab, define_state, MODE_BUFFERED
class ADwinProIITab(DeviceTab):
def initialise_workers(self):
worker_initialisation_kwargs = {}
self.primary_worker = "main_worker"
@define_state(MODE_BUFFERED, True)
def start_run(self, notify_queue):
@define_state(MODE_BUFFERED, True)
def wait_until_done(self, notify_queue):
"""Call check_if_done repeatedly in the worker until the shot is complete"""
done = yield (self.queue_work(self.primary_worker, 'check_if_done'))
# Experiment is over. Tell the queue manager about it:
if done:
# Not actual recursion since this just queues up another call
# after we return:
# #
# ADwinProII/blacs_workers.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
import time
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker
import labscript_utils.properties as properties
class ADwinProIIWorker(Worker):
def program_manual(self, values):
return {}
def transition_to_buffered(self, device_name, h5file, initial_values, fresh):
# get stop time:
with h5py.File(h5file, 'r') as f:
props = properties.get(f, self.device_name, 'device_properties')
self.stop_time = props.get('stop_time', None) # stop_time may be absent if we are not the master pseudoclock
return {}
def check_if_done(self):
# Wait up to 1 second for the shot to be done, returning True if it is
# or False if not.
if getattr(self, 'start_time', None) is None:
self.start_time = time.time()
timeout = min(self.start_time + self.stop_time - time.time(), 1)
if timeout < 0:
return True
return self.start_time + self.stop_time < time.time()
def transition_to_manual(self):
self.start_time = None
self.stop_time = None
return True
def shutdown(self):
def abort_buffered(self):
return self.transition_to_manual()
# #
# ADwinProII/labscript_devices.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
from labscript import Device, Pseudoclock, PseudoclockDevice, IntermediateDevice, ClockLine, AnalogOut, DigitalOut, bitfield, config, LabscriptError
from labscript.functions import ramp, sine, sine_ramp, sine4_ramp, sine4_reverse_ramp, exp_ramp, exp_ramp_t
import numpy as np
default_cycle_time = 2500/1e9 # T12 Processor has 1GHz clock rate, TODO Cycle time in ADbasic
# Notes:
# The ADWin (T12) runs at 1 GHz. The cycle time should be specified in hardware programming in units of this clock speed.
# Subsequently, instruction timing must be specified in units of cycles.
# Voltages are specified with a 16 bit unsigned integer, mapping the range [-10,10) volts.
# There are 32 digital outputs on a card (DIO-32-TiCo)
# There are 8 analog outputs on a card (AOut-8/16)
# There are 8 analog inputs on a card (AIn-F-8/16)
class _ADwinProII(Pseudoclock):
def add_device(self, device):
if isinstance(device, ClockLine):
# only allow one child
if self.child_devices:
raise LabscriptError('The pseudoclock of the ADwin-Pro II %s only supports 1 clockline, which is automatically created. Please use the clockline located at %s.clockline'%(self.parent_device.name, self.parent_device.name))
Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device)
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s to %s (the Pseudoclock of %s), but %s only supports children that are ClockLines. Please connect your device to %s.clockline instead.'%(device.name, self.name, self.parent_device.name, self.name, self.parent_device.name))
class ADwinAnalogOut(AnalogOut):
def linear_ramp(self, t, duration, initial, final):
#instruction = LinearRamp(t, duration, initial, final, self.parent_device.clock_limit)
#self.add_instruction(t, instruction)
#return instruction.duration
def sin_ramp(self, t, duration, amplitude, offset, angular_period):
#instruction = SinRamp(t, duration, amplitude, offset, angular_period, self.parent_device.clock_limit)
#self.add_instruction(t, instruction)
#return instruction.duration
def cos_ramp(self, t, duration, amplitude, offset, angular_period):
#instruction = CosRamp(t, duration, amplitude, offset, angular_period, self.parent_device.clock_limit)
#self.add_instruction(t, instruction)
#return instruction.duration
def exp_ramp(self, t, duration, amplitude, offset, time_constant):
#instruction = ExpRamp(t, duration, amplitude, offset, time_constant, self.parent_device.clock_limit)
#self.add_instruction(t, instruction)
#return instruction.duration
class ADwinDigitalOut(DigitalOut):
class ADwinCard(Pseudoclock):
clock_type = 'fast clock'
def __init__(self, name, parent_device, card_number):
self.clock_limit = parent_device.clock_limit
self.clock_resolution = parent_device.clock_resolution
# Device must be accessed via the parent ADWin, so we must store
# the parent's device_no as well as the card number:
self.card_number = card_number
self.BLACS_connection = parent_device.BLACS_connection, card_number
# We won't call IntermediateDevice.__init__(), as we don't care
# about the checks it does for clocking, we don't actually have
# a clock:
Device.__init__(self, name, parent_device, card_number)
self.trigger_times = []
self.wait_times = []
self.initial_trigger_time = 0
def trigger(self, t, *args):
if t == 'initial':
t = self.initial_trigger_time
raise NotImplementedError("AdWins do not have waits implemented in labscript or the current firmware.")
# Adwin cards are coordinated internally without the need for
# triggering devices. We split them up into pseudoclocks in
# labscript because they are modular in nature, and it helps us
# be compatible with AdWins that have different card setups. But
# half of this pseudoclock stuff isn't relevant to this, so we
# override some methods to do nothing.
# def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
# # We don't actually need to expand out ramps and construct a pseudoclock or anything
# # but we will anyway so that we have something to plot in runviewer
# expanded_change_times
# for output in self.get_all_outputs():
class ADwin_AO_Card(ADwinCard):
description = 'ADWin analog output card'
allowed_children = [AnalogOut]
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
# This group must exist in order for BLACS to know that this
# device is part of the experiment:
group = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/%s'%self.name)
# OK, let's collect up all the analog instructions!
self.formatted_instructions = []
for output in self.get_all_outputs():
for t, instruction in output.instructions.items():
card_number = self.card_number
channel_number = output.connection
#if isinstance(instruction, RampInstruction):
# duration = instruction.duration
# if isinstance(instruction, LinearRamp):
# ramp_type = 0
# elif isinstance(instruction, SinRamp):
# ramp_type = 1
# elif isinstance(instruction, CosRamp):
# ramp_type = 2
# elif isinstance(instruction, ExpRamp):
# ramp_type = 3
# else:
# raise ValueError(instruction)
# A = instruction.A
# B = instruction.B
# C = instruction.C
# else:
# # Let's construct a ramp out of the single value instruction:
# duration = self.clock_resolution
# ramp_type = 0
# A = instruction
# B = 0
# C = instruction
formatted_instruction = {'t':t,
'duration': duration,
'card': card_number,
'channel': channel_number,
'ramp_type': ramp_type,
'A': A, 'B': B, 'C': C}
class ADwin_DO_Card(ADwinCard):
description = 'ADWin digital output card'
allowed_children = [DigitalOut]
digital_dtype = np.uint32
n_digitals = 32
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
# This group must exist in order for BLACS to know that this
# device is part of the experiment:
group = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/%s'%self.name)
outputs = self.get_all_outputs()
change_times = self.collect_change_times(outputs)
for output in outputs:
for time in change_times:
outputarray = [0]*self.n_digitals
for output in outputs:
channel = output.connection
# We have to subtract one from the channel number to get
# the correct index, as ADWin is one-indexed, curse it.
outputarray[channel - 1] = np.array(output.timeseries)
bits = bitfield(outputarray, dtype=self.digital_dtype)
self.formatted_instructions = []
for t, value in zip(change_times, bits):
formatted_instruction = {'t': t, 'card': self.card_number,'bitfield': value}
class ADwinProII(PseudoclockDevice):
description = 'ADWin-Pro II'
clock_limit = 10e6
clock_resolution = 25e-9
trigger_delay = 350e-9
wait_delay = 2.5e-6
allowed_children = [_ADwinProII]
max_instructions = 1e5
#allowed_children = [ADwin_AO_Card, ADwin_DO_Card] # TODO where should this go?? To clockline class?
def __init__(self, name="adwin", device_no=1, cycle_time = default_cycle_time, **kwargs):
PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, None, None, **kwargs)
self.BLACS_connection = name + "_" + str(device_no)
self._pseudoclock = _ADwinProII(
self._clock_line = ClockLine(
# round cycle time to the nearest multiple of 3.3333ns TODO WHY??
quantised_cycle_time = round(cycle_time/3.333333333333e-9)
cycle_time = quantised_cycle_time*3.333333333333e-9
self.clock_limit = 1./cycle_time
self.clock_resolution = cycle_time
self.trigger_times = []
self.wait_times = []
self.initial_trigger_time = 0
def pseudoclock(self):
return self._pseudoclock
def clockline(self):
return self._clock_line
def add_device(self, device):
if not self.child_devices and isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
PseudoclockDevice.add_device(self, device)
elif isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
raise LabscriptError('The %s automatically creates a Pseudoclock because it only supports one. '%(self.name) +
'Instead of instantiating your own Pseudoclock object, please use the internal' +
' one stored in %s.pseudoclock'%self.name)
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s (class %s) to %s, but %s does not support children with that class.'%(device.name, device.__class__, self.name, self.name))
def do_checks(self, outputs):
if self.trigger_times != [0]:
raise LabscriptError('ADWin does not support retriggering or waiting.')
for output in outputs:
def collect_card_instructions(self, hdf5_file):
group = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/%s'%self.name)
all_analog_instructions = []
all_digital_instructions = []
for device in self.child_devices:
if isinstance(device, ADwin_AO_Card):
elif isinstance(device, ADwin_DO_Card):
raise AssertionError("Invalid child device, shouldn't be possible")
# Make the analog output table:
analog_dtypes = [('t',np.uint), ('duration',int), ('card',int), ('channel',int),
('ramp_type',int), ('A',int), ('B',int), ('C',int)]
# sort by time:
all_analog_instructions.sort(key=lambda instruction: instruction['t'])
analog_data = np.zeros(len(all_analog_instructions)+1, dtype=analog_dtypes)
for i, instruction in enumerate(all_analog_instructions):
analog_data[i]['t'] = round(instruction['t']/self.clock_resolution)
analog_data[i]['duration'] = round(instruction['duration']/self.clock_resolution)
analog_data[i]['card'] = instruction['card']
analog_data[i]['channel'] = instruction['channel']
analog_data[i]['ramp_type'] = instruction['ramp_type']
if instruction['ramp_type'] in [0]:
# If it's a linear ramp, map the voltages for parameter A from the range [-10,10] to a uint16:
analog_data[i]['A'] = int((instruction['A']+10)/20.*(2**16-1))
elif instruction['ramp_type'] in [1,2,3]:
# For an exp, sine or cos ramp, map A from [-10,10] to a signed int16:
analog_data[i]['A'] = int(instruction['A']/10.*(2**15-1))
raise RuntimeError('Sanity check failed: Invalid ramp type! Something has gone wrong.')
analog_data[i]['B'] = round(instruction['B']/self.clock_resolution) # B has units of time
analog_data[i]['C'] = int((instruction['C']+10)/20.*(2**16-1))
# Add the 'end of data' instruction to the end:
analog_data[-1]['t'] = 2**32-1
# Save to the HDF5 file:
group.create_dataset('ANALOG_OUTS', data=analog_data)
# Make the digital output table:
digital_dtypes = [('t',np.uint), ('card',int), ('bitfield',int)]
# sort by time:
all_digital_instructions.sort(key=lambda instruction: instruction['t'])
digital_data = np.zeros(len(all_digital_instructions)+1, dtype=digital_dtypes)
for i, instruction in enumerate(all_digital_instructions):
digital_data[i]['t'] = round(instruction['t']/self.clock_resolution)
digital_data[i]['card'] = instruction['card']
digital_data[i]['bitfield'] = instruction['bitfield']
# Add the 'end of data' instruction to the end:
digital_data[-1]['t'] = 2**32-1
# Save to the HDF5 file:
group.create_dataset('DIGITAL_OUTS', data=digital_data)
#group.attrs['stop_time'] = self.stop_time/self.clock_resolution
group.attrs['cycle_time'] = self.clock_resolution
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
outputs = self.get_all_outputs()
#outputs, outputs_by_clockline = self.get_outputs_by_clockline()
# We call the following to do the error checking it includes,
# but we're not actually interested in the set of change times.
# Each card will handle its own timebase issues.
#ignore = self.collect_change_times(outputs, outputs_by_clockline)
# This causes the cards to have their generate_code() methods
# called. They collect up the instructions of their outputs,
# and then we will collate them together into one big instruction
# table.
#Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
# We don't actually care about these other things that pseudoclock
# classes normally do, but they still do some error checking
# that we want:
#change_times = self.collect_change_times(outputs, outputs_by_clockline)
#for output in outputs:
# output.make_timeseries(change_times)
#all_times, clock = self.expand_change_times(change_times, outputs)
# #
# ADwinProII/register_classes.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
import labscript_devices
labscript_device_name = 'ADwinProII'
blacs_tab = 'user_devices.ADwinProII.blacs_tabs.ADwinProIITab'
parser = 'user_devices.ADwinProII.runviewer_parsers.ADwinProIIParser'
# #
# ADwin/runviever_parsers.py #
# #
# Copyright 2022, TU Vienna #
# #
# Implementation of the ADwin-Pro II for the labscript-suite, #
# used in the Léonard lab for Experimental Quantum Information. #
# #
import labscript_utils.h5_lock # noqa: F401
import h5py
import numpy as np
class ADwinProIIParser(object):
clock_resolution = 1e-9
trigger_delay = 350e-9
wait_delay = 2.5e-6
def __init__(self, path, device):
self.path = path
self.name = device.name
self.device = device
def get_traces(self, add_trace, clock=None):
if clock is not None:
times, clock_value = clock[0], clock[1]
clock_indices = np.where((clock_value[1:] - clock_value[:-1]) == 1)[0] + 1
# If initial clock value is 1, then this counts as a rising edge
# (clock should be 0 before experiment) but this is not picked up
# by the above code. So we insert it!
if clock_value[0] == 1:
clock_indices = np.insert(clock_indices, 0, 0)
clock_ticks = times[clock_indices]
# get the pulse program
with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as f:
pulse_program = f[f'devices/{self.name}/PULSE_PROGRAM'][:]
time = []
states = []
trigger_index = 0
t = 0 if clock is None else clock_ticks[trigger_index] + self.trigger_delay
trigger_index += 1
clock_factor = self.clock_resolution / 2.0
for row in pulse_program:
if row['period'] == 0:
# special case
if row['reps'] == 1: # WAIT
if clock is not None:
t = clock_ticks[trigger_index] + self.trigger_delay
trigger_index += 1
t += self.wait_delay
for i in range(row['reps']):
for j in range(1, -1, -1):
t += row['period'] * clock_factor
clock = (np.array(time), np.array(states))
clocklines_and_triggers = {}
for pseudoclock_name, pseudoclock in self.device.child_list.items():
for clock_line_name, clock_line in pseudoclock.child_list.items():
if clock_line.parent_port == 'internal':
clocklines_and_triggers[clock_line_name] = clock
add_trace(clock_line_name, clock, self.name, clock_line.parent_port)
return clocklines_and_triggers
This is a location that you can put custom labscript device drivers, following
the same layout as device drivers in the labscript_devices module. To import them,
import from `user_devices` instead of `labscript_devices`.
In this way, you can work on device support separately from the main labscript devices
package. However, if you write support for a generally available device, please do
contribute it back and we will include it in the main labscript_devices module.
If you prefer to store custom device code elsewhere, you may modify the `user_devices`
configuration setting in labconfig to be an import path (ie 'module.submodule' format,
not a filepath) to another Python package.
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