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Manstetten, Paul authored

clang-repl based kernel for Jupyter notebooks


  • It is required that clang-repl is installed on the (backend) system
  • On launch, the kernel starts an interactive clang-repl session. The default settings and initial includes/libs can be configured by placing a .clang-repl file in the users home directory (example).
  • The kernel performs the following steps for each source cell
    1. Inspect first line of the cell if starting with these magic commands
      • %status: print kernel status
      • %lib: forward first line of cell directly to clang-repl
    2. Comment the first line (by prepending //) if it starts with %
    3. Transform the cell content if the first line contains a %main: the cell content is wrapped and run via a unique global function, e.g. void mainUUID(){ ... }; mainUUID();
    4. The (transformed) cell content is forwarded to clang-repl by always using a single line command realized via a indirection of, e.g. this form: #include /tmp/cell-e3tp24ne.repl
    5. The result of the interactive session (i.e. incremental compile + execute) is awaited (using a timeout) and printed as output of the cell.
    6. If the cell additionally contained a %undo in the first line (and the incremental compile + execute was successful) the cell is "undone" via sending a subsequent %undo directly to clang-repl


git clone https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/paul.manstetten/clang_repl.git
cd clang_repl
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e . # editable install
jupyter kernelspec list # should now also list "clang_repl   .venv/share/jupyter/kernels/clang_repl"
jupyter notebook --kernel clang_repl demo.ipynb
jupyter console --kernel clang_repl

pypi publishing

# test release
git clone https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/paul.manstetten/clang_repl_kernel.git
cd clang_repl_kernel
rm -rf .venv .testenv dist data_kernelspec
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade build twine
# note: bump version number (overriding is not supported on upload to pypi)
python -m build
# note: next step needs api token
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi --skip-existing dist/* 
# test install of test release (no deps)
rm -rf .venv .testenv dist data_kernelspec
python -m venv .testenv
source .testenv/bin/activate 
python -m pip install --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple clang-repl
jupyter kernelspec list # should list clang_repl
jupyter console --kernel clang_repl # check if works (type: %status)
# publish release
git clone https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/paul.manstetten/clang_repl_kernel.git
cd clang_repl_kernel
rm -rf .venv .testenv dist data_kernelspec
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade build twine
# note: bump version number (overriding is not supported on upload to pypi)
python -m build
# note: next step needs api token
python -m twine upload --repository pypi --skip-existing dist/* 

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