Watt = Joule/second, not Joule second
Monte Carlo lecture:
- a bit of Monte Carlo history (WW2, Hastings and co., how it got its name? Heroes of Rendering: Stanislaw Ulam, John von Neumann)
- at the end, fix the pseudocode (px, py vs x, y)
- Consider removing surface sampling altogether and moving it to NEE lecture!
* assignment one (monte carlo) should have a 2 light source test scene.
* assignment one (monte carlo) should have 30+ in total if we ask for 15+ per assignment. More points for AO/light so that they give 15 together?
* importance sampling: convert c++ code for disk simpling, fix transition to next slide
Put somewhere: diffuse BRDF drops for same surface area with theta, only constant w.r.t. projected area
Why does division by PDF work? consider p(x) prop. to f(x) --> p(x) = f(x)/integral(f(x)), f(x) / p(x) = f(x) / (f(x)/integral(f(x))) = integral(f(x))
* Make a clear introduction for the EmitterQueryRecord
* After task 1, change all lights to parallelogram lights. Students with mesh lights can enable parallelogram functionatlity with just:
using ParallelogramEmitter = AreaEmitter;
NORI_REGISTER_CLASS(ParallelogramEmitter, "parallelogram_emitter");
* Generate new ref images. Make sure that all advanced settings (MIS, NEE, use_cosine) are by default off and also off in the test cases
* Generate high-quality ref images as control to view for every assignment
* Make cornell box tight so light cant be hit from behind
* tbb --> C++11 standard lib