# TODO: Use a config file for this
infix = ""
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print("""Command line argument missing. Please specify the ADGA root
directory, the configuration file and the 2-particle Green's
function file. The infix for the output file as well as the
number of MPI process to use for the DGA calculation are the
optional 4th and 5th argument respectively.""")
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
adga_root = sys.argv[1]
adga_config = sys.argv[2]
two_particle_file = sys.argv[3]
if len(sys.argv) >= 5:
infix = sys.argv[4]
if len(sys.argv) >= 6:
n_processes = sys.argv[5]
if len(sys.argv) > 6:
print("""Too many command line arguments. Please specify only the
ADGA root directory, the configuration file, the 2-particle
Green's function file and optionally the infix for the output
file name as well as the number of MPI processes to use for
the DGA calculation.""")
abinitio_dga = adga.Adga(adga_root, adga_config, two_particle_file,
x_generator = abinitio_dga.get_worm_sample_generator()
n = abinitio_dga.n_worm_samples
output_file_name = jackknife.do_jackknife_estimation(x_generator, n, f, infix)
# Add some useful metadata to the output file
with h5py.File(output_file_name, "r+") as output_file:
output_file[".config"].attrs.create("qmc.nmeas", abinitio_dga.n_meas)
except Exception as e:
print("-- Something went wrong when adding metadata to the output file")