import h5py
from shutil import copyfile
import numpy as np
"""A class for abinitio DGA calculations.
This class uses the ADGA project to calculate the non-local self-energy in
the dynamical vertex approximation. It uses DMFT results from w2dynamics as
input. Multiple worm samples in the input file are supported.
The `jackknife` branch of the ADGA repository must be used. The
location of the abinitiodga executable and the symmetrize script are
assumed to be at `adga_root_path`/bin/abinitiodga and
`adga_root_path`/scripts/ respectively.
def __init__(self, adga_root_path, adga_config_file_name,
two_particle_greens_function_file_name, n_processes=1):
self.n_processes = n_processes
self.executable = adga_root_path + "/bin/abinitiodga"
self.symmetrize_script = adga_root_path + "/scripts/"
self.config_file_name = adga_config_file_name
# Generate and a unique id for the names of the temporary files.
# This allows to run multiple Jackknives at once.
self.unique_id = int(time.time_ns() * 1e3)
self.output_file_name = "adga{}.hdf5".format(self.unique_id)
self.g2_file = h5py.File(two_particle_greens_function_file_name, "r")
g4iw_file_name = "g4iw{}.hdf5".format(self.unique_id)
copyfile(two_particle_greens_function_file_name, g4iw_file_name)
self.g4iw_file = h5py.File(g4iw_file_name, "r+")
self.worm_groups = [s + "/ineq-001/g4iw-worm/"
for s in self.g2_file.keys()
if (("worm-" in s) and (s != "worm-last"))]
config = self.g2_file[".config"]
self.n_meas = config.attrs["qmc.nmeas"]
self.n_worm_samples = config.attrs["general.wormsteps"]
self.compound_indexes = list(self.g2_file[self.worm_groups[0]].keys())
def get_worm_sample_generator(self):
"""Return a generator yielding green's functions from different
worm samples."""
def worm_sample_generator():
for worm_group in self.worm_groups:
value_groups = [worm_group + i + "/value"
for i in self.compound_indexes]
for value_group in value_groups])
return worm_sample_generator
# TODO: "Rename" this into calculate_self_energy()
# TODO: Add calculate_susceptibility()
"""Return the self-energy of the 2-particle Green's function.
Write the 2-particle Green's function to the file g4iw.hdf5,
which is used as an input file for the script.
Then do the abinitio DGA calculation and return the non-local
self-energy as a 3D numpy array depending on k_x, k_y and
for i in range(len(self.compound_indexes)):
data_set = self.g4iw_file["worm-001/ineq-001/g4iw-worm/" +
self.compound_indexes[i] + "/value"]
# TODO: Make a subroutine for symmetrizing g2
# g4iw_sym.hdf5 must not exist when calling
symmetry_file = "g4iw{}_sym.hdf5".format(self.unique_id)
if os.path.exists(symmetry_file):
# Symmetrize the 2-particle Green's function
print(self.symmetrize_script + " worm-001 " + self.g4iw_file.filename)[self.symmetrize_script, "worm-001",
# TODO: Make a subroutine for the whole DGA calculation
# TODO: Values should be added if not existent
# Make sure, abinitiodga uses the correct 2-particle and output
# file
self._replace_value_in_config_file("2PFile", symmetry_file)
self._replace_value_in_config_file("Outfile", self.output_file_name)
print("mpirun" + " -np " + str(self.n_processes) + self.executable
+ " " + self.config_file_name)["mpirun", "-np", self.n_processes, self.executable,
# TODO: Make a subroutine for getting the self-energy
output_file = h5py.File(self.output_file_name, "r")
self_energy = np.array(output_file["selfenergy/nonloc/dga"][...])
return self_energy[0, 0, :, :, 0, :]
def _replace_value_in_config_file(self, key, value):
# Replace the value of the key, if it exists in the config file.
file_name = self.config_file_name
lines = open(file_name).readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(key):
old_line = line
text = open(file_name).read()
new_line = key + " = " + value + "\n"
text = text.replace(old_line, new_line)
f = open(file_name, "w")