#from ngsolve.internal import *

def assert_almost(a, b, eps = 1e-3, message=""):
    if a < 1e-10 and b < 1e-10 :
    assert abs((a-b)/a)*100 < eps, message+f": a:{a}, b:{b}, eps:{eps}, result:{abs((a-b)/a)*100}"

def rotationCF(mesh, xshift, yshift, angle, dimension=2, domains=["rotor"]):
    from ngsolve import CF, cos, sin, x, y, z, Id
    if dimension == 2:
        rotmat = CF( (cos(angle), -sin(angle), sin(angle), cos(angle)), dims=(2,2))
        shift = CF( (xshift, yshift) )
        pos = CF( (x,y) )
        trans_CF = (rotmat - Id(2))*(pos - shift) - shift
        return CF( [trans_CF if mat in domains else (0, 0)for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])


        rotmat = CF( (cos(angle), -sin(angle), 0, sin(angle), cos(angle), 0, 0, 0, 1), dims=(3,3))
        shift = CF( (xshift, yshift, 0) )
        pos = CF( (x,y, z) )
        trans_CF = (rotmat - Id(3))*(pos - shift) - shift
        return CF( [trans_CF if mat in domains else (0, 0, 0) for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])

class selfFillingList:
    # [[string key, int index, int appearence]]
    def __init__(self, startvalue=1):
        self.data = []
        self.current_index = startvalue
    def __getFullRow__(self, key):
        isIt = [key == line[0] for line in self.data]
        isIn = sum(isIt)
        if len(self.data) == 0 or not isIn:
            self.data += [[key, self.current_index, 1]]
            self.current_index += 1 
            ind = -1
            ind = isIt.index(True)
            self.data[ind][2] += 1
        return self.data[ind]
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.__getFullRow__(key)[1]
    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
        self.__getFullRow__(key)[1] = val
    def isused(self, key):
        return self.__getFullRow__(key)[2] > 0

    def keys(self):
        return [line[0] for line in self.data]
    def values(self):
        return [line[1] for line in self.data]
    def numberofcalls(self):
        return [line[2] for line in self.data]

    def __setCurrentIndex__(self, value):
        self.current_index = value

def __sep__(x, N, scale=1):
    import numpy as np
    if isinstance(N, int):
        return list(np.ones(N)*1/N*x*scale)
    elif isinstance(N, bool):
        print("auto-replacee bool value to 1")
        return list(np.ones(N)*x*scale)
        return list(x* np.array(N)/np.sum(N)*scale)
def halfArray(a, secondHalf=True, inPlace=False):
    import numpy as np
    b = np.array(a, dtype="float")

    if len(b) == 1:
        b[0] /= 2
        if not inPlace:
            return list(b)
            a[0] /= 2

    if secondHalf:
        b = b[int(len(b)/2):]
        b = b[:int((len(b)+1)/2)]

    if len(a) % 2== 1 and secondHalf:
        b[0] /= 2 
    elif len(a) % 2== 1 and not secondHalf:
        b[-1] /= 2 

    if sum(a) != 0 and abs((sum(a)/2 - sum(b))/sum(b)) > 1e-5:

        myBreak(locals(), globals(), file=__file__.split('/')[-1])
        raise ValueError("sum(a)/2 not sum(b) in __halfArray__")

    if not inPlace:
        if isinstance(b, np.ndarray):
            b = list(b)
        return b
    elif isinstance(a, list):
        a += list(b)
    elif isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        a.resize(len(b), refcheck=False)
        a[:] = b[:]
def loadView(N=1, filename="./viewOpt.txt"):
        for i in range(N):
    except Exception as e:
def addExec(var_loc, var_glo={}, filename="./addExec.txt"):
        exec(open(filename).read(), var_glo, var_loc)
    except Exception as e:

def myBreak(var_loc, var_glo={}, file="breakpoint"):
    from inspect import currentframe
    cf = currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
    return cmdInput(var_loc, var_glo, file+"::"+str(cf)+" >> ")

def cmdInput(var_loc, var_glo={}, text="input your command:\n>> "):
        open('.inputrc', 'a').close()       # manually create the necesasry file
    except Exception as e2:
        print(str(e1) +"\n" + str(e2))
    import readline 
    import rlcompleter    

    #usage : locals, globals = cmdInput(locals(), globals())
    vars = var_glo
    readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")


    if 'libedit' in readline.__doc__:
        readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete")
        readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
    cmd = "start"
    while  cmd != "" and cmd != "exit" and cmd != "quit": 
        cmd = input(text)
        if cmd == "exit" or cmd=="exit()":
        text = ">> "
            returnvalue = eval(cmd, var_glo, var_loc)
        except Exception as e1:
                exec(cmd, var_glo, var_loc)
            except Exception as e2:
                print(str(e1) +"\n" + str(e2))
    return var_loc, var_glo
# evaluate myCF in the mesh from pnt1 to pnt2 in N steps
def evalOnLine(myCF, mesh, pnt1, pnt2=[0, 0, 0], N=100, plot=False, complex="real", clear=True, yoff=0, title="measurement"):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if pnt2 == [0, 0, 0]:
        pnt2 = pnt1
        pnt1 = [0, 0, 0]

    pnt1 = np.array(pnt1)
    pnt2 = np.array(pnt2)

    v = pnt2-pnt1
    normv = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if normv == 0:
        return [0]
    ev = v/normv

    if isinstance(N, int):
        xi = np.linspace(0, normv, N)    
        xi = N

    if complex == "imag":
        yi = [myCF.imag(mesh(pnt1[0] + ev[0]*x, pnt1[1] + ev[1]*x, pnt1[2] + ev[2]*x)) for x in xi]
    elif complex == "real":
        yi = [myCF.real(mesh(pnt1[0] + ev[0]*x, pnt1[1] + ev[1]*x, pnt1[2] + ev[2]*x)) for x in xi]
        # yi = [((myCF.imag**2+myCF.real**2)**0.5)(mesh(pnt1[0] + ev[0]*x, pnt1[1] + ev[1]*x, pnt1[2] + ev[2]*x)) for x in xi]
        yi = [((myCF.imag**2+myCF.real**2)**0.5)(mesh(pnt1[0] + ev[0]*x, pnt1[1] + ev[1]*x)) for x in xi]

    fig = None
    if plot != False:
        fig = plt.figure(plot)

        if clear:

        plt.plot(xi,np.array(yi) + yoff, '-')
        if len(np.shape(yi)) > 1:
            plt.legend([str(i+1) for i in range(np.shape(yi)[1])])


    return xi, yi, fig

def drawDomains(mesh, drawFunc=None):
    from ngsolve import CF

    if drawFunc == None:
        from ngsolve import Draw
        drawFunc = Draw

    drawFunc(CF(list(range(len(mesh.GetMaterials())))), mesh, "domains")

def drawBndAll(mesh, block=True, old=False, drawFunc=None):
    [drawBnd(mesh, x, block, old, drawFunc=drawFunc) for x in set(mesh.GetBoundaries())]

# colour the boundaries of a mesh. (Set the according boundarie to a value 2)
# use :
# [drawBnd(mesh, x) for x in ["bottom", "right", "top", "left", "ibot", "itop", "interface", "natural", "iright", "ileft"]]
# to colour all boundaries in a mesh
def drawBnd(mesh, name="bottom|right|top|left|ibot|itop|interface|ileft|iright|natural", block=False, old=False, drawFunc=None):
    from ngsolve import CF, H1, GridFunction, BND, Integrate

    if drawFunc == None:
        from ngsolve import Draw
        drawFunc = Draw

    val = {bnd:1 for bnd in name.split("|")}

    if old:
        fes = H1(mesh, dirichlet=name)
        sol = GridFunction(fes, "bnd")

        sol.Set(CF([val[bnd] if bnd in val.keys() else 0 for bnd in mesh.GetBoundaries()]), VOL_or_BND=BND)
        print("-----", name, sum(sol.vec))

        bnd_CF = CF([val[bnd] if bnd in val.keys() else 0 for bnd in mesh.GetBoundaries()])
        drawFunc(bnd_CF, mesh, "bnd", draw_vol=False)
        print("-----", name, Integrate(bnd_CF, mesh, VOL_or_BND=BND))

    if block:
        cmdInput(locals(), globals())

# for preisach testing

def getLines(val, N):
	import numpy as np
	ret = np.array([])

	for i in range(0, len(val)-1):
		ret = np.hstack([ret, np.linspace(val[i], val[i+1], N, endpoint=(i == len(val) - 2))])

	return ret

def plotDist(dist, fig = 0, weights = False):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import numpy as np
    o = dist.getPoints()

    sp = np.zeros([len(o), 4])
    for i in range(len(o)):
        sp[i, :] = np.array([o[i].first, o[i].second, o[i].third, i]) 
        if weights:
            sp[i, 0:3] *= o[i].fourth

    fig = plt.figure(fig)#, figsize=plt.figaspect(2))
    ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
    # ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')

    ax.scatter( sp[:, 0], sp[:, 1], sp[:, 2])#, c=1, vmin=-1, vmax=1,s=50)

    for i in range(np.shape(sp)[0]):
        ax.text(sp[i, 0], sp[i, 1], sp[i, 2], int(sp[i, 3]))

    #pB = ax.scatter( spherePoints[0,:], y, z, s= 10, c='r')
    if weights:
        tmp = np.max(np.max(np.abs(sp[:, 0:3])))
        ax.set_zlim3d(-tmp, tmp)
        ax.set_zlim3d(-1, 1)


    if dist.halfSphere:
        plt.title("halfSphere " +dist.name )        

def plotSPTriag(p, ax=-1, text=True):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    points = p.getPointList()
    maxH = p.getEV().maxH
    maxHin = p.getMaxHin

    outer = [ [-maxH, -maxH], [-maxH, maxH], [maxH, maxH], [-maxH, -maxH]]
    #perfect Demag
    perfDemag = [[-maxH, maxH], [-maxHin, maxHin]]

    inner = [[-maxH, -maxH], [-maxH, maxH], [-maxHin, maxHin]]
    for i in range(len(points)):
        inner.append([inner[-1][0], points[i].first])
        inner.append([points[i].second, points[i].first])
    inner.append([-maxH, -maxH])

    inner = np.array(inner)
    outer = np.array(outer)
    perfDemag = np.array(perfDemag)

    if ax == -1:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.fill(inner[:, 0], inner[:, 1], edgecolor="black")    
    ax.plot(outer[:, 0], outer[:, 1], 'b')
    ax.plot(perfDemag[:, 0], perfDemag[:, 1], 'r')

    if text:
        ax.text(-maxH*1/5, -1*maxH/3, "B = " + str(np.round(p.getB_interpolated(), 3)))
        ax.text(-maxH*1/5, -1.7*maxH/3, "H = " + str(np.round(p.getH_interpolated(), 3)))

    return ax

def plotPV(pV, nFig = 0, field="HB", numbers=False, label=True, file=None):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import numpy as np

    B = []
    H = []

    dist = pV.getDist()
    for i in range(pV.size):
        pS = pV.getPreisachScalar(i)
        xyzW = pS.getXYZW

        xyz = np.array([xyzW.first, xyzW.second, xyzW.third])


    B = np.array(B)
    H = np.array(H)

    fig = plt.figure(nFig)#, figsize=plt.figaspect(2))
    ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

    # ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')

    B_val = np.array([pV.getB().first, pV.getB().second, pV.getB().third])
    H_val = np.array([pV.getH().first, pV.getH().second, pV.getH().third])

    ax.set_zlim3d(-1, 1)
    #ax.scatter( sp[0,:], sp[1,:], sp[2,:])#, c=1, vmin=-1, vmax=1,s=50)
    if field == "HB":
        pB = ax.scatter( B[:,0], B[:,1], B[:,2], s= 10, c='r', 
            label = '         %.2lf\nB = [ %.2lf ]\n         %.2lf'%(B_val[0],B_val[1],B_val[2]))
        pH = ax.scatter( H[:,0], H[:,1], H[:,2], s= 10, c='g', 
            label = '         %.2lf\nH = [ %.2lf ]\n         %.2lf'%(H_val[0],H_val[1],H_val[2]))
    elif field == "H":
        pH = ax.scatter( H[:,0], H[:,1], H[:,2], s= 10, c='g', 
            label = '         %.2lf\nH = [ %.2lf ]\n         %.2lf'%(H_val[0],H_val[1],H_val[2]))
    elif field == "B":
        pB = ax.scatter( B[:,0], B[:,1], B[:,2], s= 10, c='r', 
            label = '         %.2lf\nB = [ %.2lf ]\n         %.2lf'%(B_val[0],B_val[1],B_val[2]))
        print("use field = H, B or HB")

    #ax.set_title("Unit Cube")
    ax.set_title("Distribution of Scalar Preisach Models")
        loc='lower left',
    if numbers:
        for i in range(P.size):
            ax.text(sp[i, 0], sp[i, 1], sp[i, 2], int(sp[i, 3]))

    if dist.halfSphere:
        plt.title("halfSphere " +dist.name )        

    if file != None:

def plotEVF(ev, nFig = 0):
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    import numpy as np
    vec = ev.GetVecH()

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(vec, vec)
    #Z = np.nan * np.zeros(np.shape(X))
    Z = np.zeros(np.shape(X))
    for i in range(len(vec)):
        for j in range(len(vec) ):
            if( j > i):

            Z[i, j] = ev.GetValue(X[i, j], Y[i, j])
            if np.isnan(Z[i, j]):
                print(X[i, j], Y[i, j], "\t->\t", Z[i, j])

    fig = plt.figure(nFig)#, figsize=plt.figaspect(2))
    ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')

    # plt.ion()
    ax.plot_surface( X, Y, Z)#, c=1, vmin=-1, vmax=1,s=50)

    #pB = ax.scatter( spherePoints[0,:], y, z, s= 10, c='r')
    # ax.set_zlim3d(-1, 1)
    # plt.xlim(-1,1)
    # plt.ylim(-1,1)

    Z = np.flipud(Z)
    plt.title(ev.name + " , dim=" + str(ev.dim))

    fig =plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

def KLMinMax(H_KL, B_KL, inverse=False, diff=True):
    import numpy as np

    if not diff:
        H_KL = np.array(H_KL)
        B_KL = np.array(B_KL)

        ind = H_KL != 0

        mu = B_KL[ind]/H_KL[ind]

        return np.min(mu), np.max(mu)

    mu_diff_min = np.nan
    mu_diff_max = np.nan

    for i in range(len(H_KL)-1):
        if(H_KL[i+1] <= H_KL[i] or B_KL[i+1] <= B_KL[i]):
            print("KL is wrong ! - myPackage.py")
            print(H_KL[i+1], H_KL[i])
            print(B_KL[i+1], B_KL[i])
            #            raise ValueError("invalid KL")

        if not inverse:
            mu_diff = (B_KL[i+1] - B_KL[i])/(H_KL[i+1] - H_KL[i]); 
            mu_diff = (H_KL[i+1] - H_KL[i])/(B_KL[i+1] - B_KL[i]); 
        if(np.isnan(mu_diff_min) or mu_diff < mu_diff_min):
            mu_diff_min = mu_diff

        if(np.isnan(mu_diff_max) or mu_diff > mu_diff_max):
            mu_diff_max = mu_diff

    return mu_diff_min, mu_diff_max

def diagCF(val=1):
    from ngsolve import CF

    return CF((val, 0, 0, 0, val, 0, 0, 0, val), dims=(3,3))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
# measurement/evaluating of CF and (Integration without ngsolve) on defined area
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
def getScalarFromVec(vec, dim="norm"):  
    if dim == "norm":
        out = np.linalg.norm(vec)
    elif dim == "x": 
        out = vec[0]
    elif dim == "y":
        out = vec[1] 
    elif dim == "z":
        out = vec[2] 
        print("wrong parameter in getScalarFromVec()")
    return out

def measure_top(mesh, B_CF, variable2show="norm", granularity_xy=[2,2]):    
    return measure(mesh, B_CF, point_lb=[0, 96+39, 93.533/2+3], point_rt=[47+13, 96+39+40, 93.533/2+3], variable2show=variable2show, granularity_xy=granularity_xy)
def measure_front(mesh, B_CF, variable2show="norm", granularity_xy=[2,2]):
    return measure(mesh, B_CF, point_lb=[47+13, 96+39, 93.533/2+3-60], point_rt=[47+13, 96+39+40, 93.533/2+3], variable2show=variable2show, granularity_xy=granularity_xy)
def measure_back(mesh, B_CF, variable2show="norm",  granularity_xy=[2,2]):
    return measure(mesh, B_CF, point_lb=[-47-13, 96+39, 93.533/2+3-60], point_rt=[-47-13, 96+39+40, 93.533/2+3], variable2show=variable2show, granularity_xy=granularity_xy)
def measure(mesh, B_CF, point_lb=[0, 96+39, 93.533/2+3], point_rt=[47+13, 96+39+40, 93.533/2+3], variable2show="norm",  granularity_xy=[2,2], scale=1e-3):
    #default for topmsm
    tmp = np.array(point_lb) == np.array(point_rt)
    #check which layerpoint_lb
    if np.all(tmp == 0):
        print("not a vaild input data - check coordinates, only ortho layers are allowed")
        return -1, -1
    if tmp[0] == 1:
        # yz layer
        yi = np.arange(point_lb[1], point_rt[1] + granularity_xy[0], granularity_xy[0], dtype='float')    
        zi = np.arange(point_lb[2], point_rt[2] + granularity_xy[1], granularity_xy[1], dtype='float') 
        Y,Z = np.meshgrid(yi, zi)
        X = np.ones(np.shape(Y), dtype='float')*point_lb[0]
    elif tmp[1] == 1:
        # xz layer
        xi = np.arange(point_lb[0], point_rt[0] + granularity_xy[0], granularity_xy[0], dtype='float')    
        zi = np.arange(point_lb[2], point_rt[2] + granularity_xy[1], granularity_xy[1], dtype='float') 
        X,Z = np.meshgrid(xi, zi)
        Y = np.ones(np.shape(X), dtype='float')*point_lb[1]
    elif tmp[2] == 1:
        # xy layer        
        xi = np.arange(point_lb[0], point_rt[0] + granularity_xy[0], granularity_xy[0], dtype='float')    
        yi = np.arange(point_lb[1], point_rt[1] + granularity_xy[1], granularity_xy[1], dtype='float') 
        X,Y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
        Z = np.ones(np.shape(Y), dtype='float')*point_lb[2]
    B = np.zeros(np.shape(X))   
    X *= scale
    Y *= scale
    Z *= scale
    # evaluate
    for i in range(0, np.size(B, 0)):
        for j in range(0, np.size(B, 1)):
                if useAbs == 0:
                    val = B_CF(mesh(X[i,j], Y[i,j], Z[i,j])) # !!! abs - caused by eighth problem !!! otherwise error
                    val = B_CF(mesh(abs(X[i,j]), abs(Y[i,j]), abs(Z[i,j])))
                val = np.array(val)
                B[i, j] = getScalarFromVec(val, dim=variable2show)
                print("invalid point -> trying abs(X,Y,Z)")
                    val = B_CF(mesh(abs(X[i,j]), abs(Y[i,j]), abs(Z[i,j]))) # !!! abs - caused by eighth problem !!! otherwise error
                    val = np.array(val)
                    B[i, j] = getScalarFromVec(val, dim=variable2show)
                    print("no, not working")
                    return -1, 1

    #integrate B to Phi
    if tmp[0] == 1:
        # yz layer
        Phi_vec = np.trapz(B, x=yi*scale, axis=1)
        Phi = np.trapz(Phi_vec, x=zi*scale)
    elif tmp[1] == 1:
        # xz layer
        Phi_vec = np.trapz(B, x=xi*scale, axis=1)
        Phi = np.trapz(Phi_vec, x=zi*scale)
    elif tmp[2] == 1:
        # xy layer
        Phi_vec = np.trapz(B, x=xi*scale, axis=1)
        Phi = np.trapz(Phi_vec, x=yi*scale)

    return B, Phi

def getOrthoBaseR3(v1):
    import numpy as np
    #projection of v into u
    def projection(v, u):
        scal = np.inner(v, u)
        if scal != 0:
            ret = np.inner(v, u)/np.inner(u, u) * u
            ret = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        return ret
    v1 = np.array(v1)
    v2 = np.roll(v1, 1)
    v3 = np.roll(v2, 1)
    # Gram Schwidt
    u1 = v1
    u2 = v2 - projection(v2, u1)
    u3 = v3 - projection(v3, u2) - projection(v3, u1)

    assert np.inner(u1, u2) <= 1e-9
    assert np.inner(u2, u3) <= 1e-9
    assert np.inner(u1, u3) <= 1e-9
    return u1/np.linalg.norm(u1), u2/np.linalg.norm(u2), u3/np.linalg.norm(u3)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
# MultiScale micorshape functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
def createPhiCF_independent(x_CF, y_CF, z_CF, size_core=[20, 20, 20], num_sheets=15, ratio_medium2total=0.9, multi_scale_combination=[1, 5]):
    from numpy import array
    from ngsolve import IfPos
    scale = 1e-3
    size_core = array(size_core)*scale

    # heights of medium and air
    height_core_medium = size_core[2]/num_sheets * ratio_medium2total
    height_core_air = size_core[2]/(num_sheets-1) * (1-ratio_medium2total)
    height_core_single = height_core_medium + height_core_air

    # total mask
    x_mask_min = IfPos(x_CF + size_core[0]/2, 1, 0)
    x_mask_max = IfPos(x_CF - size_core[0]/2, 0, 1)

    y_mask_min = IfPos(y_CF + size_core[1]/2, 1, 0)
    y_mask_max = IfPos(y_CF - size_core[1]/2, 0, 1)

    z_mask_min = IfPos(z_CF + size_core[2]/2, 1, 0)
    z_mask_max = IfPos(z_CF - size_core[2]/2, 0, 1)

    # dz
    dz_medium = 2/height_core_medium
    dz_air = -2/height_core_air

    # start point
    z_min_coordinate = -size_core[2]/2

    Phi_CF = 0
    dzPhi_CF = 0
    #   Medium_CF = 0
    for i in range(0, num_sheets):
        # for air
        z_max = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - (i+1) * height_core_single , 0, 1)                      # air
        z_mid_max = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium, 1, 0)
        # air =1 -> x_max*x_mid_max

        # for medium
        z_mid_min = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium, 0, 1)    # medium
        z_min = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single, 1, 0)

        # medium zick zack
        Phi_CF += (dz_medium*(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single) - 1)*(z_min*z_mid_min)       
        dzPhi_CF += dz_medium * (z_min*z_mid_min)    
        #   Medium_CF += x_min*x_mid_min 
        # air zickzack
        if i != num_sheets -1:
            Phi_CF += (dz_air*(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium) + 1)*(z_max*z_mid_max) 
            dzPhi_CF += dz_air * (z_max*z_mid_max)
    # mask zick zack to medium
    Phi_CF *= x_mask_min * x_mask_max * y_mask_min * y_mask_max* z_mask_min * z_mask_max
    dzPhi_CF *= x_mask_min * x_mask_max * y_mask_min * y_mask_max* z_mask_min * z_mask_max
    return Phi_CF, dzPhi_CF
def createPhiCF_domains(mesh, x_CF, y_CF, z_CF, size_core=[20, 20, 20], num_sheets=15, ratio_medium2total=0.9):
    scale = 1e-3

    size_core = np.array(size_core)*scale
    # heights of medium and air
    height_core_medium = size_core[2]/num_sheets * ratio_medium2total
    height_core_air = size_core[2]/(num_sheets-1) * (1-ratio_medium2total)
    height_core_single = height_core_medium + height_core_air
    # dz
    dz_medium = 2/height_core_medium
    dz_gap = -2/height_core_air
    # start point
    z_min_coordinate = -size_core[2]/2
    Phi_CF_iron = 0
    Phi_CF_gap = 0
    for i in range(0, num_sheets):
        # for air
        z_max = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - (i+1) * height_core_single , 0, 1)                      # air
        z_mid_max = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium, 1, 0)
        # air =1 -> x_max*x_mid_max

        # for medium
        z_mid_min = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium, 0, 1)    # medium
        z_min = IfPos(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single, 1, 0)
        # medium zick zack
        Phi_CF_iron += (dz_medium*(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single) - 1)*(z_min*z_mid_min)       
        #   Medium_CF += x_min*x_mid_min 
        # air zickzack
        if i != num_sheets -1:
            Phi_CF_gap += (dz_gap*(z_CF - z_min_coordinate - i * height_core_single - height_core_medium) + 1)*(z_max*z_mid_max) 

    val = {"air":0, "iron":Phi_CF_iron, "gap":Phi_CF_gap}
    Phi_CF = CoefficientFunction([val[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])    

    val = {"air":0, "iron":dz_medium, "gap":dz_gap}
    dzPhi_CF = CoefficientFunction([val[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])
    return Phi_CF, dzPhi_CF
# 1d Draw
from ngsolve import Mesh, GridFunction
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm
class Draw1d:
    def __init__(self, CF, mesh=None, name=None, N = 5, fig=None, ax=None, draw_mesh=False, new_frame = False, **kwargs):

    	# draw a mesh Draw(mesh)
        if isinstance(CF, Mesh):
            self.mesh = CF
            self.name = "mesh"
            self.CF = None
        # draw a gridfunction  Draw(GF)
        elif isinstance(CF, GridFunction) and (mesh == None and name == None):
            self.mesh = CF.space.mesh
            self.name = CF.name
            self.CF = CF

        else: # draw a CF Draw(CF, mesh, "name")
            self.CF = CF
            self.mesh = mesh
            self.name = name

        assert self.mesh.dim == 1, "use this Draw class only for 1D meshes"
        self.pnts = np.array([i[0] for i in self.mesh.ngmesh.Points()])
        # evaluation points on ref element
        self.eval_pnts = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
        # all points in element
        self.eval_pnts[0] += 1e-3
        self.eval_pnts[-1] -= 1e-3
        self.fig = fig
        self.ax = ax
        self.draw_mesh = draw_mesh

        self.Redraw(new_frame=new_frame, **kwargs)
    def Redraw(self, new_frame=False, **kwargs ): 
        if "c" not in kwargs.keys():

        if self.fig == None:
            self.fig = plt.gcf()
        if self.fig == None or new_frame:
            self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 5]) 

        if self.ax != None:
            ax = plt.subplot(self.ax[0], self.ax[1], self.ax[2])

        # draw mesh
        if self.CF==None:
            # vertices
            # domains
            doms = [int(e[-1]) for e in self.mesh.ngmesh.Elements1D().__str__().split("\n") if len(e) > 0]  
            colourmap = cm.get_cmap('Set1', len(set(doms)))

            [plt.plot([self.pnts[i], self.pnts[i+1]], [0, 0], c=colourmap(doms[i]-1), lw=10 ) for i in range(len(doms))]

            plt.plot(self.pnts, np.zeros(np.shape(self.pnts)), "ok", label="mesh")
            # dom_nam = self.mesh.GetMaterials()
            # ,label=dom_nam[doms[i]-1]
            # plt.legend()

            # vertices
            roots = np.zeros(len(self.eval_pnts)*(len(self.pnts)-1))
            values = np.zeros([len(roots), self.CF.dim])

            for i in range(len(self.pnts) - 1):
                dx = (self.pnts[i+1]-self.pnts[i])
                for j in range(len(self.eval_pnts)):
                    roots[i*len(self.eval_pnts)+j] = self.pnts[i] + self.eval_pnts[j]* dx
                    values[i*len(self.eval_pnts)+j] = self.CF(self.mesh(roots[i*len(self.eval_pnts)+j], 0, 0))

            # plot scalar
            if self.CF.dim == 1:
                ind = lambda i: slice(i*len(self.eval_pnts),(i+1)*len(self.eval_pnts))
                [plt.plot(roots[ind(i)], values[ind(i)], label =self.name, **kwargs) for i in range(len(self.pnts))]
            # plot vec
                plt.quiver(roots, np.zeros(np.shape(roots)), values[:, 0], values[:,1], np.linalg.norm(values, axis=1), label =self.name)

            if self.draw_mesh:
                plt.plot(self.pnts, np.zeros(np.shape(self.pnts)), "ok", label="mesh")