diff --git a/resource/1_audio_files/record_metadata.yml b/resource/1_audio_files/record_metadata.yml
index 902c5c53e5c4eb3d04e6772d02d2696bc0af9bb1..b88daf3056f44b07bfdb3418402a23ef588b4362 100644
--- a/resource/1_audio_files/record_metadata.yml
+++ b/resource/1_audio_files/record_metadata.yml
@@ -1,43 +1,92 @@
-  files: restricted
+  files: public
   record: public
   default_preview: null
   enabled: true
-  creators:
-  - affiliations:
-    - name: Technical University of Vienna
-    person_or_org:
+  contributors:
+  - person_or_org:
       family_name: Mahler
       given_name: Lukas
-      identifiers:
-      - identifier: 0000-0002-8985-8139
-        scheme: orcid
-      name: L. Mahler
+      name: Mahler, Lukas
+      type: personal
+    role:
+      id: contactperson
+  creators:
+  - person_or_org:
+      family_name: Aljanaki
+      given_name: Anna
+      name: Aljanaki, Anna
       type: personal
+    role:
+      id: datacollector
+  description: "<p>400 MP3 files of one minute playtime each, names are labeled with
+    the respective genre, one of: classical, rock, pop and electronic.</p><p>This
+    is an upload of the data on an institutional repository in case the original mirror
+    ceases to exist. To reference to the data, please cite the paper as described
+    on https://www2.projects.science.uu.nl/memotion/emotifydata/</p>"
+  identifiers:
+  - scheme: url
+    identifier: https://www2.projects.science.uu.nl/memotion/emotifydata/emotifymusic.zip
   publication_date: '2022-01-01'
-  resource_type:
-    id: sound
-  title: Flattened Emotify Dataset
-  description: "400 MP3 files of one minute playtime each, names are labeled with the respective genre, one of: classical, rock, pop and electronic."
-  publisher: TU Wien
+  publisher: Universiteit Utrecht
-  - identifier: https://www2.projects.science.uu.nl/memotion/emotifydata/
+  - scheme: url
+    identifier: https://www2.projects.science.uu.nl/memotion/emotifydata/
       id: isderivedfrom
       id: sound
-    scheme: url
-  - identifier: https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/martin.weise/fairnb
-    relation_type:
-      id: isderivedfrom
-    resource_type:
-      id: software
-    scheme: url
-  - identifier: https://dbrepo1.ec.tuwien.ac.at/pid/34
-    relation_type:
-      id: issupplementto
-    resource_type:
-      id: dataset
-    scheme: url
+  resource_type:
+    id: sound
+  rights:
+  - id: cc-by-nc-sa-1.0
+  title: 'Flattened Audio files of: Dataset on Induced Musical Emotion from Game with
+    a Purpose Emotify'
+# access:
+#   files: restricted
+#   record: public
+# files:
+#   default_preview: null
+#   enabled: true
+# metadata:
+#   creators:
+#   - affiliations:
+#     - name: Technical University of Vienna
+#     person_or_org:
+#       family_name: Mahler
+#       given_name: Lukas
+#       identifiers:
+#       - identifier: 0000-0002-8985-8139
+#         scheme: orcid
+#       name: L. Mahler
+#       type: personal
+#   publication_date: '2022-01-01'
+#   resource_type:
+#     id: sound
+#   title: Flattened Emotify Dataset
+#   description: "400 MP3 files of one minute playtime each, names are labeled with the respective genre, one of: classical, rock, pop and electronic."
+#   publisher: TU Wien
+#   related_identifiers:
+#   - identifier: https://www2.projects.science.uu.nl/memotion/emotifydata/
+#     relation_type:
+#       id: isderivedfrom
+#     resource_type:
+#       id: sound
+#     scheme: url
+#   - identifier: https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at/martin.weise/fairnb
+#     relation_type:
+#       id: isderivedfrom
+#     resource_type:
+#       id: software
+#     scheme: url
+#   - identifier: https://dbrepo1.ec.tuwien.ac.at/pid/34
+#     relation_type:
+#       id: issupplementto
+#     resource_type:
+#       id: dataset
+#     scheme: url