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Nagios/Icinga check script for Active Directory replication status
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Functions and scripts for obtaining two-particle symmetric improved estimators (SIE).
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Open Source Secure Data Infrastructure and Processes (OSSDIP). Supporting fully controlled data visiting for sensitive data. http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~andi/secure_data_infrastructure.html
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Camera-based virtual User Interface for SAR with Object Recognition and Hand Tracking
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Automated Loadtests for Invenio
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General implementation of jackknife resampling with extension modules and scripts for specific cases.
Documentation: https://e138.git-pages.tuwien.ac.at/e138-01/software/jackknife/
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Code associated with conference paper "Separating Flows in Encrypted Tunnel Traffic" to be published as part of https://icmla-conference.org/icmla22/
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Library and command-line tool for accessing and processing w2dynamics data from multiple files in a directory tree
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Python package for reading HDF5 data files from w2dynamics
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