diff --git a/assignments_2024/assignment0_intro/main.tex b/assignments_2024/assignment0_intro/main.tex
index 9b7bcb6d00a9808f47508fae666bfb42edb341d2..639118ca6b04dccde70657b5730f1af3ac930d8c 100644
--- a/assignments_2024/assignment0_intro/main.tex
+++ b/assignments_2024/assignment0_intro/main.tex
@@ -25,21 +25,19 @@ In this task, you will take your first steps with Wienori and create your first
 Wienori is a base, or starter code for your rendering system.
 It is a fork of Nori, which was written by Wenzel Jakob for his rendering course at the EPFL.
-\textbf{Warning: } Our Wienori base is still in the works. Dejan is working hard to give you an improved API by having a clearer separation between inputs and outputs of various functions.
-Your personal forks are mostly Nori, and you can complete the assignment with it.
-Or, you can pull the changes from upstream, help us a bit with debugging problems, and enjoy a nicer API (as soon as it's available).
+\textbf{Warning: } Our Wienori base is brand new. Dejan worked hard to give you an improved API by having a clearer separation between inputs and outputs of various functions.
+Your personal forks are currently Nori, and you can complete the assignment with it.
+Or, you can pull the changes from upstream using Gitlab, help us a bit with debugging problems, and enjoy a nicer API.
-\section*{Setting up Nori (1 point)}
+\section*{Setting up Wienori (1 point)}
 Download the framework provided in the submission GitLab and set up a working environment.
-You will at least need \texttt{git}, \texttt{cmake} and a reasonably recent version of a good C++ compiler (MSVC, gcc or similar).
-Get to know Nori by following the steps for Assignment 1 at \url{https://wjakob.github.io/nori/}.
+You will at least need \texttt{git}, \texttt{cmake} and a reasonably recent version of a good C++ compiler (MSVC, gcc or clang).
+Get to know Wienori by following the steps for Assignment 1 at \url{https://wjakob.github.io/nori/} (this is only for Assignment 0!).
 You can skip the instructions regarding GitHub and GitHub classroom since we use our own GitLab (\url{https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at}).
 Your first steps will look something like:
-git clone ssh://git@gitlab.tuwien.ac.at:822/e193-02-rendering-year/your_repo.git wienori
+git clone ssh://git@gitlab.tuwien.ac.at:822/e193-02-year/your_repo.git wienori
 cd wienori
 git submodule update --init --recursive
 cd ..
@@ -64,8 +62,8 @@ Now that your changes are done, push them to our gitlab into the submission0 bra
 \subsection*{Words of wisdom}
 \item The framework is using Eigen under the hood for vectors and matrices etc. Be careful when using \texttt{auto} in your code \href{https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicPitfalls.html}{(Read here why)}.
-\item If you have questions, please use TUWEL, but refrain from posting critical code sections.
-\item To reduce the waiting time, Nori runs multi-threaded by default. To make debugging easier, you will want to set the number of threads to 1. To do so, simply execute Nori with the additional arguments \texttt{-t 1}.
+\item If you have questions, please use Discord or TUWEL, but refrain from posting critical code sections.
+\item To reduce the waiting time, Wienori runs multi-threaded by default. To make debugging easier, you will want to set the number of threads to 1. To do so, simply execute Wienori with the additional arguments \texttt{-t 1}.
diff --git a/assignments_2024/submission.tex b/assignments_2024/submission.tex
index f49713792f0dd87baaec5be8723648ae64214157..7f00e132e35ac258278fdb42569a562d579bd258 100644
--- a/assignments_2024/submission.tex
+++ b/assignments_2024/submission.tex
@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
 To store or submit your code, please use our Gitlab \url{https://gitlab.tuwien.ac.at}. 
-You will receive a mail with your account and assignment repository as soon as they are ready.
-\textbf{The \texttt{main} branch is for development only.}
+You should have received a mail with your account and assignment repository.
+If that is still outstanding, please ask on Discord or TUWEL.
+\textbf{Develop in the \texttt{main} branch!}
 You should push there while you are experimenting with the assignment and don't want to lose your work.
 Once your solution works and you believe it is ready to be graded, please use the branch \texttt{submission<X>} where \texttt{<X>} is the assignment number. 
-\textbf{E.g., in order to submit your solution for the intro assignment (0), push to \texttt{submission0}.}
+\textbf{E.g., in order to submit your solution for the intro assignment 0, push to \texttt{submission0}.}
 If you push to a \texttt{submission} branch, the server will trigger automatic compilation and some testing for your code.
 You can track the state of new submissions being processed on the GitLab page for your repository under "CI/CD > Pipelines". 
 If a stage fails, click on it to receive additional output and system information from the executing server.
-If everything worked, you will shortly find a report with your test results in the "CI/CD" pipeline section, when checking the artifacts of the "report" stage. 
-You can submit multiple times until the deadline, but don't clog the system by, e.g., using the submission server for debugging.
+If everything worked, a PDF report will be generated. You will find it \textit{your Gitlab project / Build / Jobs / report job / green passed label / Browse / report.pdf}.
+You can submit multiple times until the deadline, but \textbf{don't clog the system} by, e.g., using the submission server for debugging.
 \textbf{Do verify it's compiling AND running in our CI/CD system.}
-For the standard tasks, \textbf{we count only the ouput from the generated PDF}.
+For the standard tasks, \textbf{we count only the output from the generated PDF}.
 Make sure it works as there are differences between compilers.
 So it might compile and run on your system, but not on gitlab. Again, Gitlab is what counts.
-If you have compiler errors that you don't understand, please ask on TUWEL or discord, somebody will certainly help you.
+If you have compiler errors that you don't understand, please ask on Discord or TUWEL, somebody will help you.
 Do not add unnecessary files (project folders, temporary compiler results), as your application will be created from your code and CMake setup only. Examples of files that are usually relevant:
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ It should contain
 	\item A list or table of the stuff that you implemented on the first page.
 	\item Include the points that you expect to get.
-	\item Evidence for the bonus points missing in the CI tests: Show us one or several renderings. If the effect is subtle, provide renderings with it enabled and disabled. No need to overdo it, things visibile in the CI pipeline certainly don't need extra images.
+	\item Evidence for the bonus points missing in the CI tests: Show us one or several renderings. If the effect is subtle, provide renderings with it enabled and disabled. No need to overdo it.
 There are no other formal requirements and no templates.