from src.extractor import CroCoExtractor, pad_and_resize, ViTExtractor import torch import numpy as np import random import matplotlib # Set the backend for matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # Use TkAgg backend import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # setting a seed so the model does not behave random seed = 1 torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False with torch.no_grad(): device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' extractor_croco = CroCoExtractor(model_type='crocov1', stride=16, device=device) # extractor_croco = ViTExtractor(device=device) image_batch_croco1, image_pil_croco = extractor_croco.preprocess( '/home/stefan/Desktop/000347.png', 224) image_batch_croco2, image_pil_croco2 = extractor_croco.preprocess( '/home/stefan/Desktop/bechertest1.png', 224) # Remove the batch dimension and move channels to the end image_array = image_batch_croco1.squeeze(0).permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() # Display the image plt.imshow(image_array) plt.axis('off') strings = ["key", "value", "query", 'token', 'attn'] # Loop over the list and assign each string to the respective variable for i, facet in enumerate(strings): cosine_similarity = [] mean_cosine_similarity = [] for layer in range(12): descriptors1 = extractor_croco.extract_descriptors(, layer=layer, facet=facet, bin=False, include_cls=True) descriptors1_2d = descriptors1.cpu().squeeze(0).squeeze(0) descriptors2 = extractor_croco.extract_descriptors(, layer=layer, facet=facet, bin=False, include_cls=True) descriptors2_2d = descriptors2.cpu().squeeze(0).squeeze(0) # dot product of descriptors dot_product = torch.sum(descriptors1_2d * descriptors2_2d, dim=1) # norm tensor norm_tensor1 = torch.norm(descriptors1_2d, dim=1) norm_tensor2 = torch.norm(descriptors2_2d, dim=1) # Save the descs as images plt.imsave('descriptor1.png', descriptors1_2d) plt.imsave('descriptor2.png', descriptors2_2d) # cosine similarity cosine_similarity.append(dot_product / (norm_tensor1 * norm_tensor2)) # mean cosine similarity mean_cosine_similarity.append(torch.mean(dot_product / (norm_tensor1 * norm_tensor2))) # range x-axis (from 0 to 11) x_values = range(12) print(mean_cosine_similarity) plt.plot(x_values, mean_cosine_similarity, label=facet.capitalize()) plt.xlabel('Index') plt.ylabel('Value') plt.title('Line Plot of Values') # Save the plot plt.legend() plt.savefig('line_plot.png')