from zs6d import ZS6D import os import json from croco.models.croco import CroCoNet import cv2 from PIL import Image import pose_utils.img_utils as img_utils import pose_utils.vis_utils as vis_utils import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from croco.models.croco import CroCoNet import sys sys.path.append("croco") #ckpt = torch.load('/home/imw-mmi/PycharmProjects/ZS6D/pretrained_models/CroCo.pth') #model = CroCoNet(**ckpt.get('croco_kwargs', {})) # Loading the config file: with open(os.path.join("./zs6d_configs/bop_eval_configs/cfg_ycbv_inference_bop.json"), "r") as f: config = json.load(f) # Instantiating the pose estimator: # This involves handing over the path to the templates_gt file and the corresponding object norm_factors. pose_estimator = ZS6D(config['templates_gt_path'], config['norm_factor_path'], model_type='croco') # Loading a ground truth file to access segmentation masks to test zs6d: with open(os.path.join(config['gt_path']), 'r') as f: data_gt = json.load(f) img_id = '000048_1' #img_id = '8' for i in range(len(data_gt[img_id])): obj_number = i obj_id = data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['obj_id'] cam_K = np.array(data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['cam_K']).reshape((3, 3)) bbox = data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['bbox_visib'] img_path = os.path.join(config['dataset_path'], data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['img_name'].split("./")[-1]) img = mask = data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['mask_sam'] mask = img_utils.rle_to_mask(mask) mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) start_time = time.time() # To estimate the objects Rotation R and translation t the input image, the object_id, a segmentation mask and camera matrix are necessary R_est, t_est = pose_estimator.get_pose(img, str(obj_id), mask, cam_K, bbox=None) end_time = time.time() out_img = vis_utils.draw_3D_bbox_on_image(np.array(img), R_est, t_est, cam_K, data_gt[img_id][obj_number]['model_info'], factor=1.0) plt.imshow(out_img) print(f"Pose estimation time: {end_time - start_time}") print(f"R_est: {R_est}") print(f"t_est: {t_est}")