{%- set curation_request = notification.context.request %} {%- set group = curation_request.receiver %} {%- set creator = curation_request.created_by %} {%- set record = curation_request.topic %} {%- set request_id = curation_request.id %} {%- set executing_user = notification.context.executing_user %} {%- set message = notification.context.message | safe if notification.context.message else '' %} {%- set record_title = record.metadata.title %} {%- set deposit_form_url = record.links.self_html.replace("/records/", "/uploads/") %} {%- set curator_name = executing_user.username or executing_user.profile.full_name %} {# TODO: use request.links.self_html when issue issue is resolved: https://github.com/inveniosoftware/invenio-rdm-records/issues/1327 #} {%- set request_link = "{ui}/me/requests/{id}".format(ui=config.SITE_UI_URL, id=request_id) %} {%- set account_settings_link = "{ui}/account/settings/notifications".format(ui=config.SITE_UI_URL) %} {#- Subject for emails -#} {%- block subject -%} {{ _("✅ Curation request accepted for '{record_title}'").format(record_title=record_title) }} {%- endblock subject -%} {#- HTML body for emails -#} {%- block html_body -%} <p> {{ _('Good news: Your dataset was accepted, and you can now publish it yourself via <a href="%(deposit_form_url)s">its upload form</a>!', deposit_form_url=deposit_form_url) }} <br /> {{ _("Please note that editing the record now before initial publication will reset the review.") }} </p> <p> {%- if message %} {{ _("Reviewer '@%(curator_name)s' accepted the record '%(record_title)s' with the following message:", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} {%- else %} {{ _("Reviewer '@%(curator_name)s' accepted the record '%(record_title)s'.", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} {%- endif %} </p> {%- if message %} <p> <em>{{message}}</em> </p> {%- endif %} <p> <a href="{{ request_link }}" class="button">{{ _("See the curation request")}}</a> </p> <hr /> <p style="font-size:smaller;"> {{ _('This is an auto-generated message. To manage notifications, visit your <a href="%(account_settings_link)s">account settings</a>.', account_settings_link=account_settings_link) }} </p> {%- endblock html_body %} {#- End of HTML body for emails -#} {#- Plaintext body for emails -#} {%- block plain_body -%} {{ _("Good news: Your dataset was accepted, and you can now publish it yourself via its upload form: %(deposit_form_url)s", deposit_form_url=deposit_form_url) }} {{ _("Please note that editing the record now before initial publication will reset the review.") }} {%- if not message %} {{ _("Reviewer @%(curator_name)s accepted the record '%(record_title)s'.", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} {%- else %} {{ _("Reviewer @%(curator_name)s accepted the record '%(record_title)s' with the following message:", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} {{message}} {%- endif %} {{ _("See the curation request") }}: {{ request_link }} {{ _("This is an auto-generated message. To manage notifications, visit your account settings")}} {%- endblock plain_body %} {#- End of plaintext body -#} {#- Markdown body for Slack/Mattermost/chat -#} {%- block md_body -%} {{ _("Good news: Your dataset was accepted, and you can now publish it yourself via [its upload form](%(deposit_form_url)s)!", deposit_form_url=deposit_form_url) }} {{ _("Please note that editing the record now before initial publication will reset the review.") }} {%- if not message %} {{ _("Reviewer *@%(curator_name)s* accepted the record *%(record_title)s*", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} {%- else %} {{ _("Reviewer *@%(curator_name)s* accepted the record *%(record_title)s* with the following message:", curator_name=curator_name, record_title=record_title) }} > {{message}} {%- endif %} [{{ _("See the curation request") }}]({{ request_link }}) {{ _("This is an auto-generated message. To manage notifications, visit your account settings")}} {%- endblock md_body %} {#- End of Markdown body -#}